Friday Funnies

Hi everybody! I’m here today because I love to laugh! ๐Ÿ˜€ Isn’t it just the greatest when you see or hear something and then start letting out these maniacally happy screeches? (By the way, I don’t have some tinkling bell laugh, like Snow White. I start snorting and crying really loud-it’s pretty great). Anyway, these are some things that I think are hilarious. I hope you enjoy my fabulously dumb sense of humor!

1. Troy Bolton in Scream!

Okay, this one is just a classic. I absolutely LOVE all things High School Musical, and so if we’re in a conversation and I start singing some song at the top of my lungs, that’s what it is. I’ve seen the moviesย way too many times to count, endlessly annoying my brother ๐Ÿ™‚ Don’t get me wrong, I love Troy Bolton, but in his big-dramatic-emotional-epic-solo-type things (like Scream and Bet On It), it’s too much for me to handle. The Troy-ness of this song just makes me love him even more. The dancing, the facial expressions, the drama…it gets me every time. I hope you enjoy!

2. Oh Snape

A series of sketches by Studio C in which Snape and Voldemort are best friends with a vlog? YES, YES, and YES! They’re short, clean, and absolutely hilarious for all you Harry Potter fans. It’s jam-packed with Harry Potter references, and is super fun and creative! I’ve watched them all too many times. ๐Ÿ˜€ย  WARNING: IT CONTAINS SPOILERS!

3. Jokes

I think you all knew this was coming. I love bad puns, obvious jokes, and absolutely everything in-between. Maybe you’ll think these are funny, or maybe you’ll just roll your eyes. Either way, I love them!

  • Knock knock. Who’s there? Barbie. Barbie who? Barbie-Q!
  • What did one pickle say to the other after it dropped to the floor? Dill with it.
  • Why did the seagull fly over the sea? Because if it flew over the bay, it would be a bay-gull (Ha! Bagel! Get it?)
  • Why was the cucumber so traumatized after becoming a pickle? It was a jarring experience.
  • What do you say to a rabbit on its birthday? Hoppy birthday!

Thanks for reading! Let me know your thoughts in the comments? What’s your sense of humor like? Did you ever watch these?