Life as a Middle Schooler!

As a middle schooler at Draper Park Middle, there’s a lot to take in every day. I normally like school well enough, but I’m here to break down into the good and the bad!

The Good

I’m going to start off positive, because even though middle school has its problems, there are some awesome things about it too.

  1. Friends. No matter what you think about the academic part of school, it’s easy to admit that everybody looks forward to seeing their friends all the time. I’ve found that most people I know go to the same school as I do, and it definitely helps to have somebody to ask questions to about a class.
  2. Different classes. Having your schedule separated into periods helps the day to seem more exciting. At the very least, it lets you look forward to the end of an awful class! You also have the choice of lots of fun electives that fit your interest.
  3. Different people. Whether you’re in the same friend circle or not, middle school provides the chance to meet lots of different kinds of people. It also gives you an array of teachers!

The Bad

  1. Homework. You all knew this was coming! Middle school typically has a lot more homework than elementary does, and it ends up taking away a lot of your free time.
  2. Bad teachers. Even though, as I mentioned above, you can get some really awesome teachers, you can also get the complete opposite. And normally, if they’re bad, they’re really bad.
  3. Stress. Middle school can definitely give students a lot of stress. Stress about being on time to your next class, stress about studying and making good grades in all your subjects…the list goes on and on.

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